At our last Board Meeting it was resolved that we appoint a commercial operator to run walking groups for the PTF. The successful candidate was Inspiration Outdoors, a husband and wife team who are committed to the idea, telling it's story and protecting the environment all at the same time!
Their link appears on the right hand side.
We also asked Clive McIntyre to go ahead and order the Logo signs of the trail and mark the trail before this years first Camino Salvado which happens in a couple of weeks.
Projects for the next few months and for next year include:
Upgrading the Webpage to reflect the greater demands of more walkers.
Applying for funding to provide "cross-over" stiles in fence lines where appropriate.
Develop plans for celebrating the Bicentenary of Bishop Rosenda Slavado which occur in 2014.
We have also decided to support the development of the "Piazza Salvado" at the front of St Josephs Church in Subiaco where we will erect a suitable, temporary symbol of the trail head for the Pilgrim Trail. Our expectations are that in the next 5 to 10 years we may need to find a more suitable site nearby that will be able to accommodate the increasing numbers, and not clash with the activities of an already very busy Parish. The City of Subiaco have been excellent partners in our development and we look forward to building on that relationship as the local Councils merge in the next 12 months.